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TriBella™ three-in-one total facial treatments combine photofacial, anti-aging, and skin resurfacing to improve skin tone, elasticity, and texture quickly and effectively

TriBella Treatments with Venus Versa™


TriBella™ skin resurfacing improves skin texture by delivering energy deep into the skin, using tiny electrode pins to create micro-dermal wounds with minimal impact on the epidermis. As the skin heals, it naturally boosts collagen and elastin production for total skin renewal.


TriBella™ anti-aging uses a comfortable combination of energy types to produce heat beneath the skin, helping to promote healthy blood flow and increase the production of collagen and elastic fibers. The result is skin that looks tighter and younger, and with fewer lines or wrinkles.


TriBella™ photofacial uses precise bursts of intense pulsed light to improve the appearance of uneven skin tone and sun damage. The light targets and reduces the hemoglobin pigment inside visible blood vessels and dark pigmented spots. The result is glowing, younger-looking skin.

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